Latest News

  1. Assessment Services Award win

    2 Feb 2024

    We are recognised for providing excellent customer service

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  2. Career Transition Partnership contract award

    24 Jan 2024

    Support for service leavers to be provided from October 2024

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  3. Work Routes launches to support jobseekers

    2 Oct 2023

    New service is designed to help economically inactive people

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  4. Refugee Employability Programme launches

    6 Sep 2023

    New service will help refugees with employment and integration

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  5. Reed Environment launches

    18 Jul 2023

    New initiative from Reed in Partnership will address the UK's Net Zero skills shortage

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  6. 5,000+ workers in East Anglia to benefit from Midlife MOT

    15 May 2023

    New scheme helps retain and support older employees

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