Policy & research

Uncovering and sharing

We work with thousands of adults and young people each year in their communities.

That means we have insights to share on how policy can best support people to change their lives and widen their opportunities.

We undertake research to help continuously improve our services, support innovation and learn from best practice. We work with participants, employers and other stakeholders to carry out research and recommend policy change where we think that this is needed.

Some of the topics we have looked at recently include how to support in-work progression for lower-paid employees, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on different sectors of the economy and the impact of gender stereotypes in the labour market.

If you are interested in finding out more or would be interested to work with us on a project, please get in touch with Sarah Welfare, Head of Policy and Research, using the form below:

Please complete our form and somebody will be in touch.

Read and download our reports below

  • Supporting young drivers' road safety
  • Supporting people with childcare
  • Personalised support for disabled and neurodivergent people
  • From economically “inactive” to economically valued - March 2022
  • Supporting jobseekers in rural Scotland
  • Supporting jobseekers in rural areas
  • Submission of Evidence - DWP In-Work Progression Commision
  • Labour Market Briefing - The impact of Covid-19 on the outlook for sectors of the economy
  • Health is Everyone's Business consultation
  • Shifting Stereotypes: Gender and Job Roles